How to Write Leave Letter for Visa Application – Samples

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Leave a letter for visa Application! Leave Request Due to Visa Processing! The above formats are useful for people who want to take leave to complete the visa process.

We have covered all you need to know about a Leave letter for the visa application process in this post, including what it is, where to get one, and what information it should include. To help you understand exactly what this criterion entails, there are three samples of Leave letters for visa Applications are provided in this article.

What is a Leave letter for Schengen Visa Application ?

An employee can obtain authorization from their employer to take a “Schengen Visa Approved Leave of Absence,” which allows them to leave work for a specified amount of time to visit the Schengen Area.

Depending on your work regulations and the collective bargaining agreements, the leave of absence may be paid or unpaid.

There are two possible legal statuses for leaves of absence: legally protected or not. The laws of your country do not safeguard the leave of absence you request in order to get a Schengen Tourist Visa.

How to Create Leave Letter for Visa?

FlightGen one of the best app you can create Leave letter for visa by your own. It is very easy navigation just fill the details whatever it ask, and finally download the No objection PDF from FlightGen App.

Not only Leave Letter, it also provide unlimited cover letter, invitation letter, flight itinerary, dummy ticket, dummy hotel booking, and travel itinerary pdfs for unlimited applicants. For unlimited offer they are charging only 10$/m. So take monthly subscription and make use of the offer

The Importance of Leave Letter for Schengen Visa Applications

It gives further confirmation that you are truly employed – For Embassies/Consulates, you must have contractual commitments in the country where you live because this gives reliable proof of your intention to return home and exit the Schengen Area.

It offers uniformity to the rest of your documentation – Visa officials will carefully review your documents to ensure that all of the dates mentioned match. For example, your departure dates must correspond to your flight dates, and your hotel arrangements must correspond to the days within each country. As a result, the dates mentioned in your employee leave of absence form must correspond to the leave dates on your No Objection Letter (NOC), as well as your flight and hotel reservation dates.

If your employer permits you to take a paid leave of absence (this information usually appears in the leave of absence approval document), it will give the officers at the Embassy or Consulate further evidence that you will have sufficient funds to pay for all of your expenses while visiting the Schengen Area.

Leave Letter for Visa Application Process

A few things need to be taken into account while drafting a letter of leave for visa-related issues.

  • It is necessary to first announce your intention to take a leave of absence and specify the beginning and end dates of your leave.
  • Next, you can explain why you took the leave of absence—in this example, because of a visa difficulty.
  • Lastly, you can give your employer your contact information in case they need to get in touch with you in an emergency.

Which Type of Leave Should You Request When Applying for a Visa?

Depending on your home country’s laws and your employer’s policies, the leave request for your application could be a formal annual leave, long service leave, or an authorized absence without pay (in most countries, there are statutory agreements for the minimum period that an employee leaves work).

Your employer’s consent for the leave could be in the form of a “formal approval letter” (a letter printed on business stationery with your employer’s stamp and signature) or a simple email from the human resources department.

The approved leave of absence must be written by a representative of your company, such as your manager or supervisor. The employee’s leave letter is normally handled by the Human Resources department.

Since you cannot apply for a Schengen Visa and travel without your employer’s permission, keep in mind that your leave request is the first important step in the application process for your visa, even though your employer’s approval of your leave letter is not the most important document you must submit with your application.

Sample 1: Request for Leave Due to Employer’s Visa Process

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Company Name]

[Company Address]

[Supervisor’s Name]

[Supervisor’s Position]

[Company Name]

Subject: Leave Application for Visa Processing.

Dear [Name of Supervisor],

I hope you are doing well. To expedite the visa application process, I am formally requesting a leave of absence from work in this letter. I’m taking this leave of absence to complete a prerequisite for a forthcoming trip abroad.

To [briefly describe the reason for your trip, e.g., “attend an important business meeting” or “visit family members”), I intend to apply for a visa for [target country]. There are multiple steps in the visa application process, such as document preparation, submission, and, if necessary, an in-person interview at the consulate or embassy.

I aim to begin the visa application process on [start date] and anticipate that it will take approximately [specify the expected duration, e.g., “two weeks”] to complete all necessary stages.

During my departure, I will make certain that my work obligations are properly outsourced to [name the colleague(s) or team member(s) who will replace your duties]. I am dedicated to giving them any information and assistance they require to guarantee the smooth continuation of our initiatives and duties during my time off.

I respectfully request your consent for this leave of absence and appreciate your understanding of the significance of the situation. I will guarantee that my absence does not harm our team’s productivity, and I will keep you updated on any developments regarding the visa application process.

Thank you for considering my request;


[Your name]

Sample 2: Leave Request Due to Visa Processing.

Respected Sir.

With with respect, I regret to inform you that I will be unable to attend the office tomorrow, March [Date], owing to the visa process. I am traveling to complete the religious duty and my visa is being processed. They occasionally phone you out of the blue to obtain information on and off. I received notification yesterday that I will be scheduled for a brief interview for visa review. I also need to submit some paperwork. It is my kind request that I return to work as soon as I finish the work.

Yours Faithful.

Sample 3: Leave Letter for Visa Completion Process


Mr. Manager,

[Country name embassy / Consulate ]

Subject: Requesting Leave Letter for Visa Completion Process

Honorable Sir.

It is with great respect and honor that I inform you that a wedding in my family is scheduled for the following month, and my attendance is required [Reasons for leave application]. I filed for the visa fifteen days ago, but there was an issue with my details, so they called me into their office tomorrow to do a proper inquiry and fill up the visa card. The visa application process takes a whole day, thus I require a one-day absence from the office. Please grant me the leave. Thank you.

Yours Truly,

How to Apply for Leave Letter for Visa Application ?

If you work for a small business

If you work for a small company with a relaxed atmosphere, you can discuss this casually with your manager, supervisor, or boss.

To achieve an agreement with your employer on the days you can take off without interfering with their company, we recommend that you state your reasons for wanting to take a leave of absence from work, as well as the dates you want to take it.

Simply request that your employer draft a formal approval letter that you can submit to the Embassy/Consulate together with all of your other documentation once they have granted you authority to take a set period of time off.

If you work for a large firm

If you work for a large organization, you may need to go through a formal process to request a leave of absence.

First and foremost, you must understand your company’s policy regarding employee leave of absence (most employment contracts state that you must formally request a leave of absence from your manager, and will specify when and how frequently you can request it, as well as under what circumstances it will be paid and unpaid).

Remember that your firm is not required to grant your leave request for tourism purposes (you must specify the reason for your request, which is to travel to the Schengen Region).

As a result, we recommend that you should not use up all of your vacation leave in the run-up to your European trip; otherwise, your company may be less accommodating and may just refuse your request for excessive time off.

To formally request a leave of absence, please contact the HR department using the request email provided below.

Even if your organization placed an employee’s leave of absence decision under the Human Resources (HR) department, we urge that you discuss your vacation intentions with your manager first— You

don’t want your immediate supervisor to find out you’re going around them to take extra leave.

There are two options available to you when contacting the Human Resources department to request a leave of absence:

If a worker needs to take a leave of absence, your company might have a specific form that they must complete. If an employee is asked to fill out a form by the company when they request a leave of absence, you can ask an HR Department representative for a copy of this form. If so, just ask them to send you the form, fill it out correctly, and submit it back to the HR department.

mailing a letter to HR or your management

If filling out a form is not necessary to submit a request for a leave of absence, you can email HR instead.

Can I seek a Schengen visa if I am unemployed?

Yes, you can obtain a Schengen visa if you are unemployed. The Schengen visa is available to anyone, whether they are working or not.