Write for us.
Are you looking for the best platform to submit your blogs? Here’s your chance to feature them on our website.
We are always looking for smart and thoughtful writers who are resourceful. We want them to provide both stories and sensible information. The purpose of these blogs is to inspire, engage, entertain, and educate travelers and enthusiasts.
Thousands of travellers from over the world would seek accurate information from the blogs placed on our website. As a result, effort should be made to ensure the credibility and accuracy of the information presented.
If you believe your writing ability is on level with our standards, get your ideas flowing. All you have to do is follow the rules to ensure that your web log meets the content criterion for our website.
Guest Post Writing Guidelines:
- Blogs should be relevant to our website. While the blogs should be on travel and visas, it is critical to ensure that they are not copied or already unpublished content.
- The writing should be in British/United Kingdom English.
- The word count should be more than 800.
- We only accept one dofollow link.
- Every post submitted must have relevant images. Make sure to share them alongside the post link/document.
- So far, the information supplied in the post appears to be current. To validate the data’s validity, share the supply link.
- Submissions not in accordance with the regulations will be rejected.
What We Expect
- Useful and reasonable information, which may be firsthand experience or double-geared to readers who travel much.
- Information-based material that is extremely clear and transparent.
What We Don’t Expect
- Blog entries with backlinks to unrelated websites.
- Personal diary posts, customized travel narratives, press releases, case studies, newsletters, and controversial blogs.
- Charges are based on the quality of the blogs submitted.
For further information, submit your questions, pricing concerns, and blog documents* (word, pdf, URLs, etc.) to [email protected]