Leave Approval Letter for Schengen Visa

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The employer authorizes the employee to take a set amount of time off work to travel within the Schengen Area, which is known as a “Leave Approval Letter for Schengen Visa“.

The leave letter for visa may be paid or unpaid depending on your employment standards and the collective bargaining agreements. The leave letter may or may not be legally protected. Your leave letter for visa is not protected by local law when you apply for a Leave Approval Letter for Schengen Visa.

As a result, your employer has the discretion to accept or reject your request for a leave of absence for a certain time period.

A letter approving your leave is like a precious ticket that lets you take time off work without thinking about losing your job. You are allowed to take this leave of absence letter from your boss, so you can go on your trip right away. It’s like your boss telling you, “Go have fun, we’ll take care of it.” As a general rule, you need a leave approval letter from your boss before you can leave for a trip that isn’t related to work, like a vacation. This is also the case if the applicant’s job contract or company policy requires formal approval for any absence from work.

If you are looking for any help in term of to get your Schengen visa. We advice you to take consultation from us.

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Is NOC / Leave approval letter mandatory for Schengen visa?

Well , its not mandatory but the specific requirements for Schengen visa application documentation can vary depending on the applicant’s circumstances, such as their purpose of travel, employment status, and relationship to the inviting party (if applicable).

If you have any inquiries, uncertainties, or require further details regarding your Schengen visa application, feel free to contact us. Our team is here to assist you every step of the way, much like how we supported our customers in planning their European journey.

Required Authorized Employee Leave Approval Letter for Schengen Visa Applications

We recommend that you include employee-approved leave for the following reasons, even if it is not required for your Schengen visa application. Getting a leave approval letter is easier than you think. Consult your HR department or manager first. Explain your trip and ask what they require from you. The majority of companies have a leave procedure, so you shouldn’t have many issues.

It gives extra proof that you are truly employed – Embassies/Consulates must confirm that you have contractual responsibilities in your country of residence because this will provide solid evidence of your intentions to return home and exit the Schengen Area.

It offers uniformity to the rest of your documentation – The Visa officers will carefully examine your documents to determine whether all of the dates mentioned match. For example, your leave dates must correspond to your travel dates, the dates within nations must correspond to your hotel reservations, and so on. As a result, the dates provided on your employee leave letter paperwork must correspond to the periods specified on your No Objection Letter (NOC), as well as your flight and hotel reservation dates.

If your company allows you to take a paid leave letter (this information is usually included in the leave letter approval document), it will provide the Embassy/Consulate officers with additional proof that you will have enough money to cover all of your expenses while visiting the Schengen Area.

What information should a visa application leave approval letter or NOC include?

  • Company Letterhead
  •  Your name, position, and contact information
  •  Your employer’s name, position, and contact information
  •  The dates you’ll be away
  •  The reason for your leave (keep it brief)

Sample leave approval letter requesting to the employer

ABC Company

John Smith [Applicants Details]
Human Resources Manager
ABC Corporation
123 Main Street
Anytown, USA 12345
(555) 555-5555
[email protected]

February 23, 2024

Jane Doe [Employer Details]
HR Director
ABC Corporation
123 Main Street
Anytown, USA 12345

Dear Jane,

Subject: Leave Approval for Visa Application

I am writing to request approval for leave from work for a visa application. I intend to travel to France from March 10, 2024, to March 25, 2024, for a vacation with my family.

While I’m away, I’ll make sure to delegate my responsibilities effectively, minimizing any disruption to the team’s operations. I have attached relevant documentation supporting my travel plans, including flight itineraries and accommodation details.

Please contact me for further information or documentation.

Thank you for your consideration.


John Smith
Human Resources Manager

Sample No objection letter from your employer

XYZ Company

John Doe [Employer Details]
XYZ Corporation
456 Oak Street
Other town, USA 54321
(555) 555-5555
[email protected]

February 23, 2024

Embassy of France
Visa Section
123 Embassy Road
Embassy City, France

Dear Visa Section,

Subject: No Objection Certificate (NOC) for Visa Application

I, John Doe, hereby certify that I have no objection to [Applicant name], Senior Accountant, traveling to France for the business purposes.

The duration of the trip is from March 10, 2024, to March 25, 2024, and Sarah Johnson is expected to return to work on March 26, 2024.

If you require any further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me.


John Doe

Which Type Of Approved Leave Should You Include With Your Visa Application?

When applying for a visa, it’s important to include the type of approved leave that corresponds with the purpose of your travel. Here are some common types of approved leave you may include with your visa application for different purposes:

  • Annual Leave
  • Vacation Leave
  • Sick Leave
  • Maternity or Paternity Leave
  • Study Leave
  • Business Leave
  • Unpaid Leave

The leave request for your application may be a formal annual leave, long service leave, or an authorized absence without pay (in most countries, there are statutory agreements for the minimum period that an employee leaves from work), depending on the laws of your home country and your employer’s policies.

Your employer’s approval for the leave may come in the form of a “formal approval letter” (a letter printed on company stationary including your employer’s stamp and signature) or a straightforward email from the human resources division.

A representative of your firm (such as your manager or supervisor) must write the approved leave of absence. The Human Resources (HR) division is typically in charge of handling the employees’ leaves letter.

Even though your employer’s approval of your leave letter for visa is not the most crucial document you must submit with your application, keep in mind that your leave request is the first crucial step in the application process for your visa (since you cannot apply for a Schengen Visa and travel without your
employer’s permission).

How to Get an Employee Leave Letter for a Schengen Visa?

It is advisable for you to request a leave Letter for visa at least 30 to 60 days in advance of your planned departure date. This is because your company will need time to find a replacement for you while you are away, and it will also give you time to get your Schengen Visa.

To obtain an employee leave letter for a Schengen Visa, follow these steps:

  • Contact Your Human Resources (HR) Department
  • Provide Necessary Information
  • Draft the Letter
  • Address the Letter to the Consulate or Embassy
  • Request for Approval
  • Include Contact Information
  • Signature and Stamp
  • Review and Finalize
  • Submit the Letter with Visa Application

Regarding employee leave letters, you should carefully review your company’s regulations and procedures (in certain cases, you may need to request your vacation time several months in advance).

But keep in mind that the company’s policies and procedures, which are detailed in the informal contract that you and your employer will sign, determine the amount of “paid” vacation time you are allotted to utilize, prior to determining how many days of leave you require.

The company mostly determines an employee’s eligibility for “paid” vacation time based on the length of time they have worked. Unless you can persuade your employer to agree to give you a few weeks of paid time off, it is not advisable for you to request a two-month leave letter if you have worked for them for less than a year.

The organization and structure of your firm largely determine how you might request a leave Letter from your employer.

1. If you’re employed by a small company

You can have a casual conversation about this with your manager, supervisor, or boss if you work for a small company with a laid-back atmosphere.

To reach a consensus with your employer about the days you can take off without interfering with their business, we advise you to outline your reasons for wanting to take a leave of absence from work as well as the dates you would like to take it.

Simply ask your employer to write a formal approval letter that you can submit at the Embassy/Consulate along with all of your other documents once they have granted you authorization to take a specific period of time off (this period can be the one you chose from the beginning for your trip or
another time frame, depending on the needs of your company).

2. If you are employed by a large company

In order to request a leave of absence if you work for a large organization, you may need to follow a formal procedure. First and foremost, you need to be aware of your employer’s policies
regarding employee leaves letter.

Remember that your employer is not required to grant your request for a leave.

Due to this, we advise not using a lot of your vacation time in the weeks leading up to your European trip; otherwise, your company may not be as accommodating and may just deny your request for too much time off.

Use the request email listed below to send the HR department a formal request for a leave of absence.
We advise that you talk over your travel arrangements with your boss before leaving, even if your company delegated the decision to grant an employee a leave letter to the HR division. You don’t want your immediate boss to learn that you are taking extra leave by avoiding them.

When you contact the Human Resources division to request a leave of absence, you have two choices:

Formal Request: If you want to take time off, you can use the legal channels your company provides to make a formal request. Most of the time, this means filling out a leave request form or sending an email to HR with the dates you want to take off, the reason for your absence, and any other information they need. A formal request makes sure that your absence is correctly recorded and approved in line with the rules of the company.
Informal Conversation: You can also have an informal conversation with your boss or HR agent about your need for leave. This method might work better for short-term or small absences when official paperwork might not be needed. But it’s important to be clear about why you need time off and get permission from your boss, even if you’re just talking about it informally.
Depending on the type of leave you need and your company’s rules, both options can be helpful. It’s important to follow your boss’s instructions on how to ask for time off and make sure that your absence is planned and shared ahead of time so that your work duties aren’t hampered too much.